Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros Cover Will Be Revealed Tomorrow Morning
Yarros is providing some Easter eggs in her profile picture, and now her recent video where she just confirmed Empyrean news will be dropping tomorrow morning on the Today show. This is going to be roughly 8 a.m.
Over the last three days, Yarros has changed her profile picture. She changed it to Chapter three on Friday to Chapter 22 on Saturday, and Chapter 31 today. The twenty and thirty were scratched out to focus on the two and one.

She could have just gone with chapter two and one, but Yarros provided those chapters for some type of hidden meaning or Easter egg.
Chapters three and Chapter 22 are from Fourth Wing and chapter 31 is from Iron flame. One can tell where the chapters are coming from by the dragon. The dragon is different in Iron Flame, and this dragon is shown on today’s changed profile picture.

I’ve looked at the chapters and took a look at Fantasyfangirls recent video where they mention the chapters talk about Xiordan. It’s looking like she’s hinting hard at Xiordan. I’m thinking Xiordan POV (point of view) for the next book, and I’m also leaning toward a Xiordan on the sprayed edge. The sprayed edge will be more of an art picture similar to Five Broken Blades by Mai Corland. 👇

Mark my words though: Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros cover will be revealed tomorrow. There are only six more months for Red Towers to release marketing for this book, and they need time to do it.
Six months is a good time frame. Any less is way too late. I say this because the third book will be more anticipated than the second book. Especially when the sprayed edge reveal gets released on Monday.
Note: the sprayed edge will contain art of some type. It could be Violet or Xiordan, but I’m leaning toward a picture of Xiordan. This sprayed edge will be better than the last two sprayed edges Red Towers has done for this series, which is a big reason why they pushed the release date later.
Yarros did confirm something will be revealed tomorrow on the Today show. Can’t wait for it.
What do you think this countdown means? What will be revealed tomorrow?
Follow Johnnysbookreviews for more! I’ll provide a post tomorrow on what I found out about the Fourth Wing news!